Every Other Day

Every Other Day, is a project close to my heart that I developed during my time at university. It began as an exploration of the pervasive issue of street harassment. Through this project, I aimed to shed light on this often-overlooked issue through a multifaceted approach, including a social experiential campaign, print posters, and audiograms.

The heart of 'Every Other Day' was its social experiential campaign, which allowed me to gauge public reactions and gather valuable data on who mostly reacts to an issue like street harassment—men or women. As the project evolved, I honed in on a crucial aspect: spotting the difference between genuine compliments and unwelcome catcalls.

Project Brief

Project Brief

Spot the Difference branches from "Every Other Day," focusing mainly on men's perspectives on street harassment. Through interviews with men, including friends and strangers who've complimented me on the streets, I aim to understand what drives compliments versus catcalls and how tone affects perception. The project's audiogram amplifies men's voices on these issues, shedding light on their views.



Men's thoughts on street harassment, based on live interviews.